Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Don't forget to blog!

I'm doing fantastic with BEDA, oui?

Today I finally read my poem about Chlamydia in between my friends' poems about crabs and HIV. They only clapped for one poem/person, and that poem/person was in btween her friend's poems about crabs and HIV.

Speaking of which, I should probably unveil the poem (even though Tyler already read it, and he's the only one who reads this crap). I just want solid proof of my gangsterness:
The number one STD in America,
A curable bacteria known as Chlamydia.
Passing it on to your partner is easy
Sometimes it gives your a discharge that's cheesy.*
Know to cause pain when urinating
But inside your body the bacteria is terminating
Your sexual organs will turn to dust
Wrapping it up is always a must!

And on that note... Yeah.

Listening pleasure: I CANNOT STOP LISTENING TO Technicolor Girls by Death Cab for Cutie.
*Don't judge me.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


My bedroom door is open (gasp!) and my feet are cold. I'm listening to Don't Stop Believin' by Journey. Anyway.

Today was lazy. I need to begin reading Will Grayson, Will Grayson. I want warm weather without love handles.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Don't make fun of my music.

Today's woes are irrelevant. Survey/iPod time!

How am I feeling today?:
Not While I'm Around - Sweeney Todd Soundtrack

Will I get far in life?
Seventy Times 7 - Brand New
This does not look good.

How do my friends see me?:
Stay Together for the Kids - Blink182
I'm a mess?

Where will I get married?:
It's Been Awhile - Staind

What is my best friend’s theme song?:
Apocalypse Please - Muse
So true. The title, at least

What is the story of my life?:
Better Than Me - Hinder

What is/was high school like?:
Leave Out All The Rest - Linkin Park

How can I get ahead in life?
Vampires In Blue Dresses - Margot & The Nuclear So and So's
Read Twilight, obviously.

What is the best thing about me?:
Sing for Absolution - Muse

How is today going to be?:
Chinese - Lily Allen

What is in store for this weekend?:
Kiss Me Thru the Phone - Soulja Boy
I am ashamed, but this is probably very true.

What song describes my parents?
aloC-acoC - Brand New

To describe my grandparents?
LG Fuad - Motion City Soundtrack
J'adore ma famille.

How is my life going?
Adam's Song - Blink182
Yes. We'll go with that.

What song will they play at my funeral?:
Millstone - Brand New

How does the world see me?:
A Boy Brushed Red, Living in Black and White - Underoath
I'm just a fool for youuuu.

What do my friends really think of me?:
Speeding Cars - Imogen Heap
This means I'm amazing, right?

Do people secretly lust after me?:
Freak On a Leash - Korn feat. Amy Lee

How can I make myself happy?:
Closer - NIN
Uh oh.

What should I do with my life?
Paparazzi - Lady GaGa
This should be the answer to everything.

Will I ever have children?:
I Know Where You Sleep - Emilie Autumn

What is some good advice for me?:
Pas Encore - Pomplamoose
KEEP IT IN YO PANTS (in regards to the title).

How will I be remembered?:
Hide and Seek - Imogen Heap

What is my signature dancing song?:
First Day of My Life - Bright Eyes
Not... quite.

What do I think my current theme song is?
Limousine - Brand New

What does everyone else think my current theme song is?:
I Should Tell You - Rent

What type of men/women do you like?
Lying Is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off - Panic! At the Disco


Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm a really bad blogger-everyday-in-April, as if you couldn't tell. I figured since April was full of fun activities and such, I would have tons to post about and be optimistic and all the bullcrap that I could never do. In stead, I'm giving you one paragraph posts about HOW TIRED I AM. And now I'm whining about how I'm always whining.

I wish I was less boring.

I'm gonna go watch makeup tutorials and then go to bed.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

With a stripper ho named Diamond!

And, as you should all expect by now, I have nothing to say.

Pierre contacted me through Facebook and told me they all got back to France, wo0t!

Schools sans the French chil'ren hasn't really taken its toll on me, and I'm not sure if it really ever will. Of course I miss Edith and Pierre after school, but I haven't been crying and in an emotional ditch like the others have. MAYBE I'M JUST CRAZY.

The title?: Best song ever.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I can't keep up.

I was going to start off this blog being all cute, or something, naming the pros and cons of the French students leaving. I obviously decided against this, mostly because I was afraid there would be more pros to them leaving or that my answers were shallow and self-centered. Just thought you'd like to know.

So, obviously, the French students left today (around 11:30AM), and I sacrificed my lunch time/favorite soup they serve to run and hug and make promises to go to France and it was totally worth it. Now I'm all alone and stuff, I guess.

I'm tired now. Whinewhinewhine.

Listening pleasure: Stay Together For The Kids by Blink182

Monday, April 19, 2010

Well, what if I do?

So today Pierre and I were separated the entire time and it was almost like before he came, except that they were, in reality, still here and everyone was asking about him.

My French teacher hectically threw a few random activities together for this week, depending on how long they stay so today we saw an art show from mostly the younger kids, and then went to a restaurant for ice cream. I've been eating ice cream a lot this week.

I like that through this I'm also making American friends and they're all older and make fun of me, even if I'm not actually twelve (hough I occasionally act it). And I don't know if I've talked about the best French girl ever, but her name is Edith (said like Ed-eet) and I want to steal her... I'm creepy. She's a senior and probably doesn't even hit 4'11 in height, but she's adorably sweet and has the cutest accent everrrr. I wish I could've gotten her, and I know that's bad to say since I have Pierre and she probably thinks I'm crazy for always wanting to talk to her, but I FEEL A DEEP CONNECTION BETWEEN OUR SOULS.

After we got home Pierre, Dana and I sat near the door of his room and I practiced my horrid French, and it was embarrassing even if he was very kind and only obviously flinched once. I'll miss him, too, I guess. ;]

Something I forgot to mention: The students are leaving tomorrow! They're finally getting a flight out of America and... I don't know how to feel. LIFE IS SO DIFFICULT. CAPITALS.
Listening pleasure: Giving Up